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Quality Policy

Our commitment is to excellence. The evolving needs of our customers drive us to continual improvement in our processes and systems.

We are committed to:
• Apply state of the art technology and processes to enhance productivity that ensures quality at competitive price.
• Apply processes for clean production, pollution prevention and optimize resource utilization in all operations.
• Follow food safety management system and apply HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control points) principles to    provide safe products to customers.
• Develop and empower our people for maintaining a vibrant work environment, which encourages excellence.
• Comply with applicable regulations and legislations.
• Our main object is to serve the farmers and helping them for their socio-economical development, and provide safe    and quality Milk & Milk Products to our Customers / Consumers.
• Our reputation for quality is a great competitive advantage to us. It’s an advantage we guard carefully, taking    responsibility for our part in maintaining the trust of our customers and consumers.

Quality Principles :

About Us

  • Aminant Milk was in full swing in near the beginning 2014. India being the number one milk producer in the world but still 90% milk sector is unorganized and in the villages are stil not getting the benifit of cattle forming. This bitter facts generate the idea of establish an end-to-end milk supply chain in Bareiily (UP).

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